Step 1

Become a Member

Step 2

Register for a show

Complete step 1
to unlock

Step 3

Select your Category and Division

Complete step 2
to unlock

Before registering to compete in a show, please join and become a YNF Member first, then register for either Season A or B in the state/s you want to compete in.

Bikini Athlete

Competitors competing in age divisions can only be eligible in ONE division closest to their age.
Required Attire
  • Two-piece competition bikini
  • Clear stage heels and jewellery of competitor’s choice
Individual Posing
  • Competitors will perform an individual I walk when entering the stage consisting of 1 pose at the back centre of the stage, then walk forward to the front line and perform front pose and side pose.
Group Line Posing
  • Competitors will perform a group line of ¼ turns to the right and will be required to walk to the back of the stage and perform a back pose
  • Official back pose required – hands on top of thighs and do not move hair
Judging Criteria
  • Shapely and toned body
  • Good symmetry
  • No separation in the muscle
  • Toned midsection/no hard abdominals
  • Good glutes
  • Beach body
  • Good stage presence

$88.00 inc GST

To compete in more than one Division you will need to add each one separately.

Meet YNF Elite Athlete, Walter Ikealumba

(Coming soon)
YNF Elite Athlete - Mark Anthony

Meet YNF Elite Athlete, Mark Anthony

(Coming soon)
YNF Bodybuilding Elite - Jamie Allan

Meet YNF Elite Athlete, Jamie Allan

(Coming soon)
YNF Elite Athlete - Jennifer Rollin-Busby

Meet YNF Elite Athlete, Jennifer Rollin-Busby

“I grew up with the most incredible influence, my Dad, who had a multitude of muscle mags and ...