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25 May
We have no Physique YNF Elites yet. Will you be the first?
We have no Physique YNF Elites yet. Will you be the first?
We have no Physique YNF Elites yet. Will you be the first?
We have no Physique YNF Elites yet. Will you be the first?
We have no Physique YNF Elites yet. Will you be the first?
What Is An YNF Elite Athlete?
An Elite Athlete is a competitor who the judges consider to be of the highest level as an athlete. A competitor whose physique and stage presence display the ultimate standard in their category.
How Do You Become An Elite Athlete?
A competitor who wins the overall title in their category is eligible to become an Elite Athlete. It is under the judge’s discretion on deciding if the athlete meets the requirements of becoming an Elite Athlete.
If the judges believe there is another athlete within the same category who deserves the title of Elite Athlete, they too can also be presented with an elite award.
What Benefits Do You Get From Becoming An Elite Athlete?
A YNF Elite Athlete receives many benefits. They will receive free YNF attire and products. Social media exposure. Discounts and special offers from our sponsors. They will also be featured on our website as an Elite Athletes.
What We Would Like From Our Elite Athletes?
We would encourage our Elite Athletes to wear our merchandise and promote YNF on social media. We would love them to be part of the YNF team on comp day, by inspiring competitors throughout the day, and attend any YNF functions if they are available.
Can An Elite Athlete Compete In A State Title Show?
An Elite Athlete CAN compete in a state show and attempt to defend their title. Our future plan is to have elite categories within a state title.
We feel bodybuilding has become extremely complicated over the years, with too many crossovers. We have simplified this by limiting crossovers. We feel it will make it better for the competitors, coaches, judges and audience. Athletes will know which category fits their physique.
Drug testing is done on the day of competition. Athletes are chosen by judges. If a competitors test comes back positive, it is a lifetime ban from YNF Australia. For more in depth information about drug testing please head to terms and conditions.
Our goal is to not only have a prestige show here in WA but run YNF shows in other states and further down the track other countries, then we look forward to having State, National and World Titles. We know our passion for this industry will take us far in the Natural Bodybuilding world.
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