“I have been training since the age of 14 and have 10 years of training experience behind me at the time of writing this. I can still recall watching Pumping Iron for the first time and being drawn to the idea of competing. This idea recently became a reality, many thanks to my close friends convincing me to take the leap and “tick it off the bucket list”. My prep taught me several valuable lessons which I constantly apply to life outside the gym. The most important lesson being finding my “why” in whatever it is I am doing and applying myself 100%. Coming away from my debut competitive season having obtained my Elite Athlete status is a true honour and is something I’ll pinch myself about for years to come. Competing has reinforced my passion for the gym and I am eager to see what the sport of bodybuilding has in store for me. I am certain that no matter what it is the journey will continue to be enjoyable and empowering.” – Luke Goodman