Jame’s physique and stage presence displayed the ultimate standard in his category. Fitting the YNF Bodybuilding criteria to a T. Overall muscularity & definition, symmetry, Good V taper followed by conditioning and lovely posing
“I’ve been training for 15 years and competing in natural bodybuilding for 7. In 2014 a friend told me I should do a bodybuilding show, at the time I hadn’t even considered this, but once the idea was in my head it stuck. To date I’ve competed in 7 shows, taking out overalls in 4. In 2016 I decided to go completely vegan right at the start of comp prep for season B and took out both the shows I entered. Bodybuilding has done so much for me and continues to give as I get older.” – James Duncan
James has been part of our judging panel since the launch of YNF; with his knowledge as an athlete and within the Natural Bodybuilding industry, it is great having him as part of the team.