“I started my first prep after I had just moved interstate and started a full-time corporate job. I wanted to make sure I was making my health a priority and establishing good habits despite having a sedentary job and balancing full-time university studies to become a lawyer. I started to incorporate the habits of a bodybuilding lifestyle and fell in love with the process. I was determined to balance it all and do whatever it took, even if that meant getting up at 3 am every day!”
Second message: “Competing brought me so much confidence, and I have found a greater sense of community within this sport. I love the discipline, hard work and commitment it takes. It embodies all the values and characteristics that I want to live my life by. These traits have carried across into all areas of my life, and I love the way that bodybuilding makes me show up for myself and push myself to be that 1% better every single day. With the right support network, I have been able to thrive on stage and continuously improve through all phases of the process. I believe that there is no greater feeling than stepping on stage knowing that you pushed yourself to your absolute limits to get there.” – Indiah Smith